On Page SEO Optimization Techniques to Improve Rankings of Blogger/WordPress

These days am seeing more offline businesses starting there online marketing campaigns, and there very first step is to start a new blog. I appreciate it, as we all are seeing that how blogging is influencing social media, getting into blogging is clever move from their side.

Those who don`t think blogging is important read this 5 Reasons Why Do You Need a Blog for Your Business.

Now, to be success full in blogging you must be damn serious about On-page SEO Optimization techniques. Still on-page is very very crucial for ranking. Let`s get started, now!

10 Most Important Techniques in On page SEO optimization

#1 Keyword Analysis, Most Important Step

Without this you can`t expect even a dime from online. I`m not going to write why it`s important or something normal stuff, hope you all knew. Instead am going to write how to do it. That`s better right?

As you know it`s damn crucial! Take as much time as you can to get best keywords for your business.
  • What is your business about?
  • For whom you`re providing your service?
  • What your users expecting from you?

I`m trying to make it small but cover all points. Ask yourself these 3 questions, then collect some information from online as well as offline books about the topic.

Using Google`s FREE keywords tool, see how you can select the best keyword out of it.

Tip: Select long tail keywords, with low competition and high searches, this will help you get rankings quickly.

#2 Optimizing URL and Meta Tags

As now you have keywords, optimize post URL and Title with targeted keyword.

Add keywords in post URL, Title and meta tags. If you`re using WordPress CMS use SEO plugin by Yoast, it makes your work easy.

Coming to TITLE, your title should attract readers and at the same time it should be optimized to search engine with keyword in it.

I knew it`s tough! If you`re not getting a title justifying both users and search bots then go with satisfying users. Believe me it works.

Tip: Use number in the title with keywords as I did.

#3 What is Robots.txt file?

This file tells search bots what to index and what not to index. In simple words, it`s like a rules for search bots.

Popular CMS all have Robots.txt by default, in case if you want to disallow search engine from indexing any page you add it here.

Get more about Robots.txt Here

#4 Optimized Content Gets You More Traffic

Content is king? Heard millions of time, but who is making content king? Who is showing this king to all? That`s keywords in it.

Include your targeted keywords in H1, H2 and H3 tags. (try with different relevant keywords, don`t just rely on one single keyword.)

Repeat keywords in first, middle and last paragraph of the post. Don`t forget to use synopsis of the keyword.

For instance

“best travel places in December” is the keyword and “top places to travel in December” related keyword.

Adding these two forms of keywords in your blog post will increase to rank for more keywords, which in-turn increase your traffic.

#5 Image Optimization with alt and title tags

Don`t miss any form of getting traffic, optimizing images seem less important to those whose niche is more related to information than images.

Optimized images is one among the factor to rank in SERPs. So don`t neglect it.

Image name, alt, title fill it with targeted keywords.

Here is a sample for you.

<imge src=”/cbt.jpg” alt=”blogging tips” title=”infologger”>

#6 Internal linking to Increase Page Views

I wrote a complete post on internal linking and how it can help you increase traffic, so take time to read it.

For now, I will just write most important points.

Use targeted keywords while linking to your internal post, and link should be Dofollow link.
Google will allow to add 100 links from a post, so don`t hesitant to link.

Note: But this does not mean that you link unnecessary to post, if you think the link gives more information about the topic then it`s recommended.

#7 Pagination to Avoid Duplicate Content

This new concept started by Google to avoid duplicate content on site. Inshort, like you have list of posts on home page when you click on older post, page/2 is appended to main domain.

In same way if you`re having an eCommerce site this problem raises in product listing, using pagination will help search engines to know, which link to index and which link to ignore.

It`s simple if you`re using SEO plugin by Yoast..

#8 Canonical URLs

Another interesting concept introduced buy Google, again to avoid duplicate content. When same content is displayed for 2 different URLs using canonical tag instructs search bots to ignore one among them.

Note: Anyway Google is smart enough, that it select appropriate link among both, if you`re not using pagination or canonical tags. But for better ranking it`s recommended.

#9 No Indexing Tags and Categories

If you`r only one author on blog then home page and author profile looks same. Also tags, categories all these increase duplicate content, though you`re writing unique content, Google sees as duplicate content.

And again SEO plugin by Yoast makes this work easy, you just need to select the check box and it`s done!

10# Include Site Maps and Submit it to Google

Sitemaps helps search engines to know your site/blog link pattern and this will decrease search bots work. Helps to crawl more links and index more posts, increasing traffic.

There are lots of plugins to make this work easy for you. All are for FREE!

Tip: Now this is bonus tip, add your blog to Google webmaster tool, Bing webmaster tool. This will help you know how these search bots are seeing your blog.

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